是日常也是日常英语翻译 2023考研英语翻译日常练习:人民币升值的影响

 网络   2022-10-20 17:00   25

是日常也是日常英语翻译 2023考研英语翻译日常练习:人民币升值的影响

2023考研科目中,良多考生以为外语难度较为大 ,尤为是正在题型方面表示的比较分明。为了麻烦专家更无效的打算考研英语中的翻译题型,上面新东方小编为专家整顿了“2023考研英语翻译凡是操练:群众币升值的作用”,指望能给专家供给一些帮忙。 2023考研英语翻译凡是操练:群众币升值的作用 Influenced jointly by internal dynamics of Chineseeconomy and external pressures, RMB hasappreciated constantly in recent years. Theinternal influences mainly include China's price level, the situations of inflation and economic growth, aswell as interest rate level, while the external influences mainly come from the pressures exertedby developed countries, Japan and America in particular. The appreciation of RMB will not onlyincrease its purchasing power and expand domestic consumers' demands for imported goods, but also alleviate the cost burden of imported energies and raw materials. However, it mayaffect the stability of the domestic financial market and raise the cost of exported products, which would reduce the competitive power of Chinese products in the global market. 受到中国经济内部能源(dynamics)以及外来压力的独特作用,群众币近多少年来不停升值(appreciate)。内部作用主要有中国市价水平、通货伸展环境、经济增添环境和利率水平,外部作用主要来自觉达国家施加的压力,尤为这天本以及美国。群众币升值会推广群众币的采办力,扩张海内破费者对于进口产物的须要,还也许加重进口能源以及材料的老本负担。但它会作用海内金融墟市的牢靠,使出口产物的老本升高,进而升高中国产物正在国际墟市上的合作力。 以上是新东方考研小编为专家整顿的“2023考研英语翻译凡是操练:群众币升值的作用”的相干实质,指望为专家打算考研英语科目供给一些参照以及帮忙。更多考研英语信息,敬请存眷新东方考研频道。 1" >