纯粹日常 看见情感、日常与纯粹|10+3 SHOWROOM 海外青年设计师品牌VOL.2

 网络   2022-11-01 13:03   72

10+3 SHOWROOM·International品牌推介第二弹来袭!本期推介品牌有来自西班牙古装品牌Reveligion,意大利少女装品牌Simone Tessadori,日本新锐古装妄图师正在法国制造的同名独立品牌HANCHI,和格鲁吉亚的品牌BLIKVANGER。

The brand promotion of 10+3 SHOWROOM ·International is coming! Featured brands include Spanish fashion brand Reveligion, Italian women's wear brand Simone Tessadori,HANCHI,an independent namesake brand founded in France by a Japanese fashion designer, and Georgian brand BLIKVANGER.


Fashion Brands



Designer Portfolio

María Rodriguez Blanco

María Rodriguez Blanco于2010年正在塞维利亚的CEADE Leonardo取得古装妄图学位,还采用过外型、立体妄图、图案创造、缝纫、众人联系以及视觉营销方面的训练。算作 Reveligion 品牌的创意总监,她与媒体建立了关连,让品牌呈现正在海内最主要的杂志上,如 Vogue、Elle Novias 或 Harper's Bazaar,正在建造事宜震动之外,她还与当下的观点首脑建立了联系,品牌博得了辽阔的乐成。

María Rodriguez Blanco got a degree in fashion design in 2010 at CEADE Leonardo, Seville.She also has training in styling, graphic design, pattern making, sewing, public relations and visual merchandising.As creative director of the Reveligion brand, she has established contact with the press, positioning her brand in the most important magazines in the country such as Vogue, Elle Novias or Harper's Bazaar and she has even established a relationship with the Influencers of the moment, in addition to organizing parades and events, where they have had great success.


Brand Profile

Reveligion是一个仓卒繁华的时尚品牌,曾经入围西班牙 《Vogue》杂志Vogue时尚基金大赛复赛,并曾经登下马德里古装周。Reveligion是革命、启发以及宗教之间的文字玩耍,说明这三者是彼此交织的。这全部都始于妄图师的存在危急,最终的结论是,时尚是一种表达粗浅情绪的办法,促进人们窜匿到奥妙且美妙的地点,并发觉出一种巴洛克式的审美视觉,进而定义了穿Reveligion品牌的少女性。

Reveligion is a fashion brand that is growing at an extraordinary rate, after being in the final of the contest Vogue fashion fund for the Spanish Vogue Magazine, plus show their collections at MFBW Madrid.Reveligion is a play on words between revolution, revelation and religion, demonstrating that the three are intertwined. It all started with the designer’s existential crisis, which ended with the conclusion that fashion is a way of expressing deep feelings, to escape to fantastic, wonderful places, and create a baroque aesthetic vision that defines the Reveligion woman.


New Collection


The concept for this season is the line between being feminine and masculine;with a clear inspiration in the past and a view for the future,representing woman who love to dress well and feel sexy but also knows her impact in the world.







Designer Portfolio

Simone Tessadori

Simone Tessadori出身于1992年。正在米兰理工学院古装妄图学院所受到的教训,让他渐渐成为了一位妄图师。他制造了“Simone Tessadori - Handmade in Italy”品牌。制造品牌之后,正在短短多少季里,他就乐成地定义了品牌的作风定位。他正在古装行业的首份经验是投入一家婚纱处事室,正在那边他革新了自身的本领,并有机缘正在整体损耗周期中施行测验以及手工创造。

Simone Tessadori was born in 1992. His training path transformed him into the designer he is today, starting from the Fashion Design faculty of the Politecnico di Milano. Then He founded “Simone Tessadori - Handmade in Italy” brand. Not long after founding his own brand, in a very few seasons, he managed to define his stylistic identity in a decisive way. His first experience in the sector took place in the world of tailoring in a bridal atelier where he refined his techniques and had the opportunity to experiment and follow handcrafted throughout the production cycle.


Brand Profile

正在Simone Tessadori的带领下,品牌经过凡是糊口中简捷、轻便、休闲以及动静的状态发明了现代社会的根底实质以及意思,和妄图历程中的奢华以及价值,从意大利纺织建造业的卓绝结束,不断蔓延到工艺以及最终产物。经过教育发觉力、情绪之旅、妄图师供给给每集体的提议以及学识的分层,面料变得丰满。品牌他日的目的是正在国际上推广销量。意大利的建造剪裁手艺没有容质疑,已处于起步阶段的开垦以及分销将使人始终与品牌直接关连,发觉出特殊的“Tessadori作风”购物感受。

With Simone Tessadori, the simple and relaxed, casual, and dynamic elegance of everyday life discovers the fundamental contents and meanings of contemporary society, the luxury and values of a design process that begins with the excellence of Italian textile manufacturing and extends up to craftsmanship and the final products. The fabric becomes volume through a cultured creativity, an emotional journey, a layering of suggestions and knowledge that the designer makes available for everyone to enjoy. The future goal looks to international growth. A development and distribution already in the start-up phase that will not question the Made In Italy tailoring of the collections and will always maintain a direct link with the brand, creating a unique shopping experience of the “Tessadori style”.







Designer Portfolio


日本妄图师 HANCHI MORIYAMA 是出身于1995年的新锐妄图师。于2014年就读于ESMOD TOKYO。2016年转入ESMOD PARIS 练习。2017年于ESMOD PARIS结业。2019年获天下大学生时尚妄图大赛墟市潜力奖。

Japanese designer Hanchi Moriyama was born in 1995.He studied at ESMOD TOKYO in 2014 and transferred to ESMOD PARIS,then he graduated from ESMOD PARIS in 2017.In 2019,he won the 2019 World College Student Fashion Design Competition Market Potential Award.


Brand Profile

HANCHI由日本妄图师 HANCHI MORIYAMA以及拍照师YC于2020年制造于巴黎。2020年巴黎古装周举办SHOWROOM揭晓第一季春夏系列撰述YANKII GIRL。HANCHI品牌概念里,以为少女性没有该被定义,每一名少女性都是一支独一无二的玫瑰。是夜色里霓虹之下绽放的玫瑰。她们既有软弱又有感性,既有特性自在又有性感放恣。黑夜是沉着而简单的。霓虹是夜里仅有的光,它照亮的没有是阴郁,它照映出的是玫瑰遗世独立的美。由于玫瑰,霓虹才变得流光溢彩,也能让颠末的人安身,叹息于玫瑰的美。品牌用分歧的妄图以及剪裁来完结以及通报对于少女性美的多面性开采,正在每一季融入了对于少女性主要命题的思虑,通报“人永久正在古装之上”的观念。

HANCHI was founded in Paris by Japanese designer HANCHI MORIYAMA and photographer YC in 2020. SHOWROOM will launch the first season of SS20 spring/summer series YANKII GIRL at Paris Fashion Week in 2020. In the brand concept of HANCHI, women should not be defined and every woman is a unique rose. Is the rose under the neon of the night. They have both strong and emotional, both personality freedom and sexy romance. The night is quiet and pure. Neon is the only light at night, it does not illuminate the darkness, he reflects the rose's independent beauty. It is because of the rose that the neon becomes colorful and makes people stop and marvel at the beauty of the rose. HANCHI uses different designs and clipping to realize and convey the multi-faceted exploration of female beauty, and in each season, he integrates thoughts on the important propositions of women. HANCH conveys the idea that people are always above fashion.


New Collection











Dawn wedding

It was a night wedding

It was a night light wedding

It was a special farewell

Farewell to innocence

This is a contract with society

In the real life of the dream reached a pact

This is our wedding to the world

纯粹日常 看见情感、日常与纯粹|10+3 SHOWROOM 海外青年设计师品牌VOL.2

It's our ritual to embrace the world

This season HANCHI Through the integration of wedding dress and daily commuting design to express a fusion of reality and dreams


Designer's manuscripts







Designer Portfolio

Ana Tsintskilze

Ana Tsintskilze是Blikvanger的妄图师以及创意总监。她的第一次行状实验是投身国际青年妄图师大赛Benext。正在比赛中,她取得了米兰HFFA古装妄图硕士的全额奖学金。从其时起,她结束思虑建立自身的品牌。

Ana Tsintskiladze is the designer and creative director of Blikvanger. Her first professional attempt was participating in Benext - a contest for international young designers. In the contest she won a full scholarship for Masters in Fashion Design at HFFA, Milan. That’s where she started thinking about having her own brand.


Brand Profile

Blikvanger是格鲁吉亚品牌,创制于格鲁吉亚都城第比利斯。这个品牌由Ana Odishelidze以及Ana Tsintskiladze制造。创制多少个月后,她们正在第比利斯开了一家概念店,那个时分两人都是该品牌妄图师。今朝,Ana Tsintskiladze是仅有的品牌妄图师。建立品牌的设法是正在2015年Ana Tsintskiladze投身Benext国际青年妄图师大赛之后孕育的。品牌自2017年以后屡次投身第比利斯古装周、马德里古装周以及波兰古装周等,曾经正在米兰的PittiSuper Showroom以及Who's Next订货会上枯燥表态。品牌称号 Blikvanger是德语-荷兰语的贯串,道理是“引人夺目的人”,也有“抓胡蝶的人”的道理。

Blikvanger is a Georgian brand established in Tbilisi, Georgia. The brand was founded in November 2016 by Ana Odishelidze and Ana Tsintskiladze. A few months after foundation, they opened a concept store in Tbilisi, Georgia and both of them were brand designers.Currently, Ana Tsintskiladze continues to be the only designer of the brand. The idea of establishing a brand came after Ana Tsintskiladze participated in Benext - a contest for international young designers in 2015. Since 2017 Blikvanger collections are present on MBFWT runway. The brand has also participated in MBFW Madrid and Fashion Week Poland, featured their collections in Pitti Super showroom in Milan and Who's Next trade show in Paris as well. The name - Blikvanger is a German-Dutch word meaning eye-catcher,memorable. The word also means a butterfly catcher.


New Collection


The concept of AW 22/23 collection is that life is an adventure that you should experience to its fullest with its wins and loses, success and disappointment, love and pain. It can get dark, colorful or neutral. You need to try it all out. Therefore, the key message of the collection is: “Live life”.






Official Partners

NJAL 新锐妄图师集中平台

NJAL leading emerging designers platform

NJAL(Not Just A Label)代表着来自150多个国家的48,000多名妄图师,是一个努力于匆匆进时尚家产良性增添以及扩展的平台。NJAL创制于2008年,旨正在为时尚界注入新的活气,为妄图师们供给一个让他们恐怕与寰球不雅众建立关连,并收费揭示自身的妄图的数字平台。从2020年尾结束,NJAL平台上的品牌一经也许直接从他们的处事室以直接出货的办法施行出售,进而正在奢华品空间供给特殊的购物感受。

NJAL represents over 48,000 designers from more than 150 countries and is an infinitely expanding destination devoted to facilitating growth in the fashion industry. Established in 2008, to infuse new life into the fashion system, NJAL provides designers a digital platform where they can connect with a global audience and showcase their designers at no cost. As of late 2020, NJAL brands now can retail their designs directly from their studios on a drop-ship basis, thus providing a unique shopping experience in the luxury space.




AMF SHOWROOM是一家总部位于巴黎的时尚出售以及墟市营销机构,旨正在发明、支柱以及繁华奢华品古装以及配饰妄图师。开创董事Anthony Flamos拥有逾越30年的奢华品时尚行业体味,并与天下跨越的批发商建立了出色、永恒的联系。这些集体联系使AMF SHOWROOM恐怕供给精深的寰球墟市认知以及机遇。

AMF SHOWROOM is a Paris based Fashion Sales and Marketing Agency formed to discover, support and develop luxury fashion and accessory designers.The founding director, Anthony Flamos has had over 30 years experience in the luxury fashion industry and has developed close, long-standing relationships with the world’s leading retailers. These personal relationships permit AMF SHOWROOM to offer extensive knowledge of the global marketplace and opportunities.



ESMOD Beijing

ESMOD国际创制于1841年,总部位于巴黎,开创工钱法国的御用裁缝ALEXIS LAVIGNE学生,是天下上第一所打扮妄图学院,迄今一经有180年的史乘,被称为“时尚界的哈佛”。ESMOD国际今朝正在寰球的13个国家创造了20所分校。ESMOD北京创制于2004年中法文明邦交40周年之际,建校18年来,为中邦本土教育了大度的打扮妄图人材。ESMOD寰球课程编制同质同步,为中国的打扮妄图方向的莘莘学子供给寰球的打扮妄图人材练习、选拔以及练习就业平台。

ESMOD international was founded in 1841 and headquartered in Paris. Its founder is Mr. Alexis Lavigne, the Royal tailor of France. It is the first Institute of fashion design in the world. It has a history of 180 years and is known as "Harvard in fashion". ESMOD international has 20 schools in 13 countries around the world.ESMOD Bejing was founded in 2004 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. Over the past 18 years, the school has cultivated a large number of fashion design talents for China. ESMOD maintains the same quality and schedule with global program system and provides a global platform for learning, selection, internship and employment for Chinese students in fashion design.




