
 网络   2022-09-28 14:21   50


昨天走进论文栏纲为年夜家带来《区块链作为求应链照料的“相信建树呆板”》的标题、概要、要害词、1短序和6 结语一面,接待您的专心查询!原期推文时少年夜约5分钟,请您急躁抚玩。

Share interest, spread happiness, increase knowledge, and leave beautiful. Dear, this is the Learing Yard Academy!

Today, enter the thesis column bring you the title, abstract, keywords, 1 introduction and 6 conclusion parts of "Blockchain as a "Trust Building Machine" for Supply Chain Management". Welcome to visit! This tweet usually takes about 5 minutes to read. Please read patiently.


论文标题是 区块链作为求应链照料的“相信建树呆板”。论文标题的选与,必要留意字词之间的逻辑,字数不要太多。


The thesis is titled Blockchain as a "Trust Building Machine" for Supply Chain Management.The selection of the thesis topic requires attention to the logic between words, and the number of words should not be too many.

For the definition of blockchain, the relevant explanations are as follows:







The abstract generally includes the following four parts, and the corresponding content of the literature is as follows:

Research question: Study the impact of block chain applications on the level of trust in supply chains

Research method: Combination of literature review, induction and deduction

Main findings/conclusions: 1. Block chain implementation involves three pairs of principal and trustee, the user and the block chain, two supply chain partners, the consumer/public, and one supply chain unit. 2. The implementation of block chain may enhance both cognitive-based and institution-based forms of trust, while emotion-based trust may not be directly affected by technology. 3. The existence of block chain technology will facilitate the rapid establishment of trust between unknown supply chain partners under certain circumstances. 4. It is found that scholars have conflicting claims about the impact of block chain on supply chain trust.

In the above explanation of block chain, block chain has two core characteristics: One is that data is difficult to tamper with, and the other is decentralization. Based on these two characteristics, the information recorded by the block chain is more authentic and reliable, which can help solve the problem of mutual distrust between people. This paper explores the impact of block chain on the trust level of members in the supply chain.




The keywords of this paper are block chain, trust, supply chain, and system review, including the main body of the literature, the dimensions of discussion and research methods.

The function of keywords is to help the retrieval of papers, and to facilitate readers or reviewers to determine the field and focus of the article. The number of keywords is generally 4⑹. The selection of keywords is best to avoid using the words in the title, in order to increase the chance of the document being retrieved.

1 短序










The introductory part generally consists of three parts:

1. Background, purpose and rationale of the research

2. The theoretical basis and theoretical method of the research

3. The results or significance of the research

The research background of this paper is that the global supply chain has experienced the problem of trust deterioration in recent years. To solve this problem, the global supply chain has begun to adopt technology-based, trust-building remedies. Blockchain is believed to have the potential to fundamentally transform the supply chain trade paradigm into a trusted exchange ecosystem due to its ability to improve the authenticity and transparency of information.

The purpose of this study is to fill the gap of the impact of block chain on trust in supply chain management through a systematic literature review of block chain and trust in supply chain.

The research methodology adopts a combination of inductive and deductive methods, and the authors selected 94 relevant academic publications published between 2018 and 2021 to analyze the content and gain insights.

6 结语







The conclusion part usually includes the research topic and significance, the obtained results, the research deficiency and the outlook.

The purpose of this paper is revisited in the epilogue section of the paper (intended as the first comprehensive study to synthesize and consolidate previous research on block chain and trust to answer the question of how the technology affects the trust element in supply chains.) , summarizes the research method (combination of induction and deduction) and research process (establishing a block chain entrusted supply chain model).

Finally, the article recommends future research directions as follows:

1. Research needs to empirically test the conflicting views expressed by scholars on the TTS and ITR models. The TTS model is suitable for explaining the implementation of block chain in low-trust climate supply chains, while the ITR model is suitable for the implementation of block chain in high-trust climate supply chains.

2. In addition to research on humanitarian supply chains, research on the application of fast trust in supply chains is also required.

3. By promoting cognition and institutional trust, supply chains may have an indirect positive impact on strengthening the relationship trust between supply chain partners.



That's all for today's sharing. If you have a unique idea about the article, please leave us a message, and let us meet tomorrow. I wish you a happy day!



Yavaprabhas Kongmanas, Pournader MehrdokhtSeuring Stefan. Blockchain as the "trust-building machine" for-supply chain management.[J]. Annals of operations research,2022.

