inpassing短视频 经济学人精读

 网络   2022-10-11 05:35   48


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Keeping it in the family


For expat parents, passing on their native languages can be a struggle


“You understand grandmother when she talks to you, don’t you, darling?” The girl nods. Johnson met her—and her Danish mother and English father—at the airport, en route to Denmark. The parents were eager to discuss their experience of bringing up their daughter bilingually in London. It isn’t easy: the husband does not speak Danish, so the child hears the language only from her mother, who has come to accept that she will reply in English.


This can be painful. Not sharing your first language with loved ones is hard. Not passing it on to your own child can be especially tough. Many expat and immigrant parents feel a sense of failure; they wring their hands and share stories on parenting forums and social media, hoping to find the secret to nurturing bilingual children successfully.


Children are linguistic sponges, but this doesn’t mean that cursory exposure is enough. They must hear a language quite a bit to understand it—and use it often to be able to speak it comfortably. This is mental work, and a child who doesn’t have a motive to speak a language— either a need or a strong desire— will often avoid it. Children’s brains are already busy enough.


So languages often wither and die when parents move abroad. Consider America. The foreign-born share of the population is 13.7%, and has never been lower than 4.7% (in 1970). And yet foreign- language speakers don’t accumulate: today just 25% of the population speaks another language. That’s because, typically, the first generation born in America is bilingual, and the second is monolingual—in English, the children often struggling to speak easily with their immigrant grandparents.


In the past, governments discouraged immigrant families from keeping their languages. Teddy Roosevelt worried that America would become a “polyglot boarding- house”. These days, officials tend to be less interventionist; some even see a valuable resource in immigrants’ language abilities. Yet many factors conspire to ensure that children still lose their parents’ languages, or never learn them.

往昔,当局没有激动移平易近家庭保全其母语。泰迪·罗斯福耽心美国将成为一个“知道多种语言的投宿家庭”。 如今,当局宗旨于削减干涉;有些官员以至正在移平易近的语言才略中发明了贵重的资源。但正在各类因素同时影响下,儿童们仍然没有能全面知道怙恃的母语,抑或永久都学没有会。

A big one is institutional pressure. A child’s time spent with a second language is time not spent on their first. So teachers often discourage parents from speaking their languages to their children. (This is especially true if the second language lacks prestige.) Parents often reluctantly comply, worried about their offspring’s education. This is a shame; children really can master two languages or even more. Research does indeed suggest their vocabulary in each language may be somewhat smaller for a while. But other studies hint at cognitive advantages among bilinguals. They may be more adept at complex tasks, better at maintaining attention, and (at the other end of life) suffer the onset of dementia later.


Even without those side-effects, though, a bilingual child’s connection to relatives and another culture is a good thing in itself. How to bring it about? When both parents share the heritage language, the strategy is often to speak that at home, and the national language outside. But when they have different languages, perhaps the most common approach is “one parent, one language”. Franois Grosjean, a linguist at the University of Neuchtel in Switzerland, emphasizes necessity. He recommends reserving occasions on which the only language that may be spoken is the one that needs support.


Sabine Little, a German linguist at the University of Sheffield, puts the emphasis elsewhere. Making the heritage language yet another task imposed by parents can lead to rejection, she argues. She recommends letting the child forge their own emotional connection to the language. Her son gave up on German for several years before returning to it. She let him determine when they would speak it together. (He decided on the pair’s trips in her car to after-school activities, during which his father, who doesn’t speak German, would not be excluded.) They joke about his Anglo-German mash-ups and incorporate them into their lexicon. Like many youngsters, his time on YouTube is restricted—but he is allowed more if he watches in German. Ms. Little suggests learning through apps and entertainment made for native speakers; the educational type smack of homework, she thinks.


Languages are an intimate part of identity; it is wrenching to try and fail to pass them on to a child. Success may be a question of remembering that they are not just another thing to be drilled into a young mind, but a matter of the heart.


精 读 解 析


P1: 引入,用Johnson正在机场碰到的办事来引入移平易近怙恃想让儿童练习母语履历的容易


P3-P6: 儿童们没方法学会双语的缘由

P7: 让儿童们学会双语的政策

P8: Sabine Little教儿童双语的政策

P9: 教儿童双语的重点:教育儿童们对于母语的认同感


● Bilingual /ba'lgw()l/adj. 两种语言的;能说两种语言的

注:这个词语蕴含前缀bi-=two, twice, doubly。如:biweekly 双周刊(bi+week 礼拜+ly→两礼拜)bilateral 双边的


Bilinguist n. 知道两种语言的人


a bilingual dictionary 双解词典

He is virtually bilingual in Spanish and Portuguese.


● en route to = on the way to…正在前往……途中


On her second marathon, en route to Portland, she fractured a bone in her foot.


● expat /eks'pt/ v. 逐放洋外,脱节国籍,流放;移居海外n. 外籍人士;流落海外者


But I have a former colleague there in the expat community.


● immigrant /'mgr()nt/ n. 移平易近,外来移平易近


Immigrate vi. 移入

Immigration n.移平易近


Canada has many immigrants from Europe.


● sponge /spn(d)/ n. 海绵v. 骗取; 敲詐; 揩油;(用海绵或海绵状物)擦拭, 消除


chuck up the sponge 遵循,认输;招认退步

sponge on 依附

sponge out 用海绵等擦拭; 清洗; 消除


He put a dry sponge into the bucket.


You should try to sponge out the memory of the accident.


● Cursory /'ks()r/ adj. 大略的;轻率的;仓促的


He gave a cursory glance at the headlines in a newspaper


● wither/'w/vt. vi. (使)凋落, (使)凋谢, (使)凋谢


wither away 凋落,幻灭

wither up 使凋落


The hot sun has withered (up) the grass.


The flowers withered in the cold.


● accumulate /'kjumjlet/ vt. vi. 聚集; 积存


Accumulation n. 积存;积累;蕴蓄;聚集

Accumulative adj. 蕴蓄的,积聚的


Snow accumulated to a depth of 12 feet.


You should accumulate experience from now on.


● Monolingual /mn()'lgw()l/ adj. 术 单语的,只用一种语言的


monarch 君主,独裁者(mon + arch操持者→一个操持者)

monogamy 一夫一妻制(mono + gamy婚姻)

monologue 独白(mono + logue措辞→一集体措辞→独白)


a monolingual dictionary


But monolingual adults need to be reminded of the past too.


● polyglot /'plglt/ n. 知道数种语言的人;用知道数种语言记载的书adj. 通数国语言,数国语言的

注:这个词蕴含前缀poly-示意“多”如:poly-functional多功能的(poly + functional有功能的)


a polyglot career woman.


● Interventionist /nt'ven()nst/ n. 过问主义者, 主张干涉的人


Intervene v. 干涉


I don't believe in an interventionist God.


● conspire /kn'spa/ vi. 共谋;合力;暗杀筹划


The bank tellers conspired to rob the bank.


● prestige /pre'sti(d)/ n. 威信,声誉;声望


Prestigious adj. 受尊崇的, 有声誉的, 有威望的


Our mayor's prestige is known throughout the state.


● Cognitive /kɡnitiv/ adj. 认知的, 认得才略的


Cognition n. 知觉

Cognitional adj. 认得上的


cognitive domain 认知范畴

cognitive learning 认知练习

cognitive psychology 认知情绪学


We should allow all of the evidence that men and women have equal cognitive capacity, to permeate through society.


● Onset /'nset/ n. 结束;打击,报复


He went to see the doctor at the onset of a cold.


● dementia /d'men/ n. 〈医〉痴呆


senile dementia n. 末年性痴呆

Experts believe dementia affects close to 50-million people worldwide.


● side-effect n. 副影响


Chemotherapy has many side-effects on patients.


The side-effect of making quality products is that people want them.


● Wrench vt. (猛力地)扭, 拧, 扳;扭伤, 挫伤;使觉得欢乐n. 一拧; 一扳; 猛扭


It wrenched her to watch them go.

inpassing短视频 经济学人精读


He threw a monkey wrench into our plans.


